Namste Scent The user registration agreement.


1.  Important tips.

  Please (also referred to as "User") carefully read all the terms of this Agreement when using the Namste Scent Platform Services or applying for registration process and confirm that you fully understand the provisions of this Agreement, in particular the bold or dashing terms relating to your significant benefits and obligations. If you have any questions about the agreement, please immediately stop using the Namste Scent platform services and register users of the platform, and can consult the platform customer service.

2.  The acceptance and change of the agreement.

    Please read and understand this Agreement fully prior to using the Namste Scent Platform Services or registration, and if you begin to use the Namste Scent Platform Services or register as a registered user, you will be deemed to have signed this Agreement, indicating that you are voluntarily bound by the full terms of this Agreement, which will constitute a binding legal document between you and the Namste Scent Platform.

In view of the continuous rapid development and evolution of Internet services, you agree that the Namste Scent Platform has the right to modify this Agreement, and that the Namste Scent Platform will notify you by posting the modified content on the relevant pages, sending it through the communication tools provided at the time of your registration, or in any other reasonable way, and you agree to be under the obligation to read and confirm the amendment agreement in a timely manner. If you do not agree to the modification of the Agreement, discontinue access to or use the Platform or cancel the Services already acquired, and if you choose to continue to access or use the Platform after the amendment of this Agreement, you shall be deemed to have accepted the modification of this Agreement.

The terms set out in this agreement you signed with the Namste Scent Platform do not fully cover your relationship with Namste Scent.

all the rights and obligations of Taiwan. You agree that the publication of other statements, rules, etc. by the Namste Scent Platform shall be regarded as a supplementary agreement to this Agreement and shall be an integral part of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this Agreement.  

3.  The content and way of the service.

You agree that the Namste Scent  Platform has the right to select its internal compliance service subjects according to the organizational structure and relevant qualifications, providing technical services, promotion services and other services to the users.  Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the Namste Scent  platform will provide additional services to users in the future, unless otherwise specified, the new services provided in the future will also apply to this Agreement.  The Namste Scent  platform provides services primarily for the " Namste Scent " mobile client, and the Namste Scent  platform does not guarantee that its services will meet the full needs of the user. The Namste Scent  Platform reserves the right to modify, interrupt or terminate the Services provided free of charge at any time without any notice to the User, and you agree that the Namste Scent  Platform has the right to modify and interrupt with prior notice, and the parties will handle subsequent matters in accordance with the principles of fairness, fairness, good faith.

4.  Account acquisition, use and cancellation

Please confirm that before you begin to register as a user of the Namste Scent  Platform, you should have the civil capacity to be appropriate to your conduct as required by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you do not have the civil capacity to match your conduct, you and your guardian shall be responsible for all the consequences as a result of this. You have the right to choose whether or not to become a registered user of the Platform. If you read this User Agreement and complete your registration, you agree that the Namste Scent  Platform collects and uses your relevant information in accordance with this Agreement and the Personal Information Policy. When you choose to register your account to become a user of the Platform, you should fill in or provide information and information in accordance with the platform's prompts and requirements, and ensure the authenticity, correctness and integrity of the information and information. If your information or information changes, it should be changed in a timely manner. Once you have successfully registered, you become a registered user of the platform. Become a registered user of the platform and you can create and modify your own nicknames. The naming and use of usernames and nicknames is subject to relevant laws and regulations and in accordance with network ethics. User names and nicknames must not contain any insults, slanders, obscenities or violence that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others or violate public order. If you violate the foregoing, the Namste Scent  Platform reserves the right to restrict or deny your use of the account at any time, or even to cancel the account.

a) When the user registers successfully, you will create an account number and password. You shall take reasonable measures to maintain the security of your account and password, and the legal consequences of the disclosure of your account or password due to user reasons are the responsibility of the user. The User is responsible for all activities and events that occurred after this username and password is logged into the System and is liable for the direct or indirect liability arising therefrom, and the Namste Scent  Platform is not responsible.

b) If the user's account number or password is lost, the password can be reset through registration information, and the user registered with the mobile phone number can retrieve the original password by virtue of the mobile phone number. Users who discover unauthorized use of their account or other security vulnerabilities should immediately notify the Namste Scent  platform.

You have the right to cancel your account and when you need to sign off on your account, please contact The Platform Customer Service to assist you. Please be aware that once your account is cancelled, you will be unable to continue using the Platform Services and you agree that you will bear all consequences. 

5.  The user's rights.

Users have the right to obtain their personal platform account after registration; Users have the right to use the platform services through their personal platform accounts after registration and login; You can use your account on up to two devices at the same time. In excess of the above range, the Namste Scent  Platform reserves the right to discontinue or terminate your Services, and you shall own any loss arising from the use of the above-mentioned range. At the same time, the Namste Scent  platform reserves the right to pursue the above-mentioned ultra-wide use of perpetrators of legal liability.

6.  The user's obligations

Users undertake and ensure compliance with the copyright law of the People's Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China, the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems and the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software. In any event, the Namste Scent  Platform reasonably believes that the User may violate the provisions of the above laws, regulations, and regulations and reserves the right to terminate the provision of the Services to the User without prior notice. Users undertake and guarantee that users upload text and images on the platform have the corresponding legal rights. The above text, picture materials or other content sit on the image rights, reputation, copyright, trademark rights, etc. of any third party, does not violate the provisions of legal documents signed by the user and the third party binding on the user, otherwise, the Namste Scent  platform has the right to delete or block the information posted by the user in accordance with the law or in accordance with this Agreement, and has the right to terminate the service to the user without prior notice.

Do not allow users to engage in the following behavior :

a)  Those involved in endangering national security, disclosing state secrets, violating the legitimate rights and interests of the collective and citizens of the state society, making, copying, distributing or disseminating, inciting to subvert state power, overthrowing the socialist system, inciting secession, undermining national unity, inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity, fabricating or distorting facts, spreading rumors, disturbing social order, promoting feudal superstition, obascenity, pornography, gambling, If a terrorist or instigation of a crime is a blatant insult to another person or a fabrication of facts to slander another person, or if he commits another malicious attack, or damages the credibility of a state organ, other contents that violate laws or regulations.

b)  impersonating any person or institution, or falsely claiming or falsely misrepresenting or mistaking any person or institution for any person or institution.

c)  Falsifying a title or otherwise manipulating an identifiable data leads to the mistaken belief that the content was transmitted by the Namste Scent platform.

d)  Upload, post, send e-mail or other information about software viruses or other computer codes, files, and programs that interfere with, disrupt, or restrict the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication device.

e)  In a technical way to attack or undermine or change some or all of the Platform, or interfere with its operation ; to illegal means to obtain or use any software platform, code or other technical or business information ; do not allow users to run any program on the platform to reverse engineer, reverse compile, reverse assemble or overwritten.

f)  Unauthorized use of the name of the platform or content, or other information by Namste Scent platform to intellectual property rights or rights or information ; the platform in any form as a venue for engaging in various illegal activities, platform, or media.

The user is solely responsible for the content it uploads. If the user violates the law or the provisions of this Agreement, it will violate the legitimate rights and interests of a third party, and the user shall resolve the matter on its own. If the loss is incurred to the Namste Scent Platform, the Namste Scent Platform reserves the right to recover the user for all losses suffered as a result, including its direct losses, indirect losses, expected loss of interest, etc.

7.  User information protection.

   The Namste Scent platform attaches great importance to the protection of users' personal information, and Namste Scent will take reasonable measures to protect users' personal information. Except in the cases prescribed by laws and regulations, the Namste Scent platform will not disclose or disclose the user's personal information to third parties without the user's permission. The Namste Scent platform uses professional encrypted storage and transmission of relevant information to ensure the security of users' personal information, and will use various security technologies and procedures to establish a sound management system to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

8.  Termination of service

   The Namste Scent Platform reserves the right to terminate all or part of the Platform's Services temporarily or permanently at any time, for any reason, without prior notice. The Namste Scent platform is not responsible for the termination of the Services to the user and any third person.

The Namste Scent Platform reserves the right to temporarily or permanently terminate the user's account number and password use of the Platform Services at any time, for any reason, without prior notice, and without liability to the user and any third person.

9.  Privacy policy

This app respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this app will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, this application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, this application will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. This app will update this privacy policy from time to time. By agreeing to this Application Services Use Agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Application Service Agreement.

1. Scope of application

(a) the personal registration information you provide in accordance with the requirements of this application when you register for this application account;

(b) When you use the application, the application needs to use the location permission to obtain the current network environment and WiFi information of the phone. Please open and authorize the application to obtain location information and other permissions, so that the network distribution function can be used normally. You need to enable the app to read and write local images and cameras in order to use features such as changing avatars.

(c) User personal data obtained by the application from a business partner through legal means.

You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this Privacy Policy:

(a) the keyword information you entered when using the search service provided by the app;

(b)  Violation of the law or violation of this Code of Conduct and the actions that this application has taken against you.

2. Information use

(a) This application does not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless you have obtained your permission in advance, or the third party and the application (including the application affiliate) are separate or common. To provide you with services, and after the service is over, it will be banned from accessing all of this material that it has previously been able to access.

(b) This application also does not permit any third party to collect, edit, sell or distribute your personal information by any means. Any user of this application platform who engages in the above activities, once found, the application has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user.

(c) For the purpose of serving the User, the App may use the information you use to provide you with information of interest to you, including but not limited to, sending you product and service information, or sharing information with the App Partner so that they may Send you information about its products and services (the latter requires your prior consent).

3. Information disclosure

In the following circumstances, this application will disclose your personal information in whole or in part according to your personal wishes or the law:

(a) disclose to third parties with your prior consent;

(b) To provide the products and services you request, you must share your personal information with third parties;

(c) Disclosure to third parties or administrative or judicial authorities in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, or at the request of the administrative or judicial authorities;

(d) If you have violated relevant Chinese laws, regulations or this application service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose it to third parties;

(e) If you are a qualified IP Complainant and have filed a complaint, it should be disclosed to the Respondent at the request of the Complainant so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes;

(f) In a transaction created on this application platform, if any party to the transaction performs or partially fulfills the transaction obligation and requests for information disclosure, the application has the right to decide to provide the user with the contact information of the counterparty, etc. Information to facilitate the completion of a transaction or the resolution of a dispute.

(g) Other disclosures that this application considers appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies.

4. Information storage and exchange

The information and materials collected by you in this application will be stored on the application and/or the servers of its affiliates, which may be transmitted to your country, region or the location where the application collects information and materials. It is accessed, stored and displayed outside the country.

5. Use of cookies

(a) In the event that you do not refuse to accept cookies, the App will set or access cookies on your computer so that you can log in or use cookies-based services or features that rely on cookies. This app uses cookies to provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services, including promotional services.

(b) You have the right to accept or reject the acceptance of cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings. However, if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use this application web service or feature that relies on cookies.

(c) This policy will apply to information obtained through the cookies provided in this application.

6. Information security

(a) This application account has security protection. Please keep your username and password information safe. This application will ensure that your information is not lost, not abused or altered, by security measures such as encrypting user passwords. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please also note that there are no “perfect security measures” on the information network.

(b) When using this application web service for online transactions, you will inevitably have to deal with the counterparty or potential transaction pair

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

(a) If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes in this Policy, on our website, and in such locations as we deem appropriate, so that you can understand how we collect and use your personal information and who can access it. And under what circumstances we will disclose this information.

(b) The company reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, so please check it frequently. In the event of a material change to this policy, the Company will notify you by notice on the website.

The party discloses its personal information, such as contact information or postal address. Please protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially if the application username and password are leaked, please contact this application customer service immediately so that the application can take corresponding measures.

10.  Applicable law, jurisdiction, and others

   This agreement is signed in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China. The laws of the People's Republic of China shall be applicable to the entry into force, performance, interpretation and settlement of disputes in this Agreement. All disputes arising out of or relating to the user's use of the Namste Scent platform. Claims or other matters shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

All disputes between the user and the Namste Scent  platform shall be negotiated in a friendly manner, and if the negotiation is not possible, they may choose to resolve them by any of the following s:

a)  To submit to the Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules in force at the time of application for arbitration, and the arbitral award shall be final and binding on all parties;

b)  Submit the agreement to the people's court where the agreement was signed, the people's court to bring the jurisdiction .

Any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be annulled, invalid or unenforceable, and shall be deemed to be separable and shall not affect the legal effect of the other provisions of this Agreement.

Prudent reminder:

If you use the Namste Scent Platform or register with a user, you will be deemed to have agreed to the aforementioned Service Agreement, which will take effect immediately and constitute a binding legal document between you and the Namste Scent Platform.


Please reconfirm that you have read and fully understand the above agreement.